Full Name
Jonathan Magnus Ledgard
Job Title
Tehanu-Interspecies Money
Speaker Bio
Jonathan invented the Interspecies Money concept which seeks to allow nonhuman life forms to hold and spend financial value. He is a leading thinker on nature, risk, and advanced technology. As a director at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne he led several futuristic initiatives, notably the invention of drone delivery of blood and medicines and its successful introduction into Africa. As "J.M. Ledgard", he is an acclaimed novelist. His first novel, Giraffe, is a cult novel for animal rights activists. His second, Submergence, was New York Times Book of Year and adapted for Hollywood by Wim Wenders. Separately, he was longtime award-winning foreign and war correspondent for The Economist, reporting lead stories from 50+ countries and many wars.
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