Full Name
Dr Sue Snyman
Job Title
Director of Research
Speaker Bio
Sue Snyman is the Director of Research at the African Leadership University’s School of Wildlife Conservation. Having completed coursework at the University of Goteborg in Sweden, the focus of her PhD (through the University of Cape Town, School of Economics) research measured the socio-economic impact of high-end ecotourism in remote, rural communities adjacent to protected areas, based on over 1,800 community surveys in six southern African countries. Previously, Sue worked for Wilderness Safaris, a private sector ecotourism operator, for 10 years in various roles, including as Group Sustainability Manager, which included overseeing community development, biodiversity conservation and environmental management system projects across 6 countries. She was vice-chair of the IUCN WCPA Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist (TAPAS) Group and Coordinator of the Communities & Heritage Working Group in TAPAS for nine years and recently managed the Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Programme for IUCN in 24 countries in Africa. Sue is currently leading on a project looking at the wildlife economy across Africa. Her overall research and work focus is on promoting sustainable, diversified wildlife economies in Africa, encouraging investment in conservation and the related wildlife economy activities and ensuring equitable benefit-sharing for local communities.
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